About Us
At Empresas Polar, we seek to understand your needs and what you expect from us, in order to produce and distribute the best quality brands that contribute to improve your life.
Empresas Polar Philosophy
It is our particular way of understanding the world and how we relate to it.
We believe in people and in the value of their transcendence, and this is how we build our commitment.
Practical Philosophy
Promote intergenerational unity, considering the human rights of future generations, in the actions and decisions of the present, with a view to the permanence of humanity.
Empresas Polar Today
The effort of 8 decades is reflected in our will to make, innovate and produce with perseverance and optimism
The effort of 8 decades is reflected in our will to do, innovate and produce with perseverance and optimism to continue contributing to transform realities.
More than 80 years
of tradition and commitment, with a long-term vision.
882 thousand MT and 11,000
million liters
of products produced worldwide
90 countries on 5 continents
where our brands are present today
Other investments
in sectors such commerce in large surfaces
62 plants worldwide
located 12 in Venezuela, 2 in the United States, 1 in Colombia, 1 in Spain and 46 in Mexico.
food and beverage categories worldwide
Leading Company
in the production of food and beverages in
Venezuela, and one of the leading companies
in Latin America.
in both Venezuela and
World’s leading producer of precooked corn flour in the world
No. 1
beer and malt
brand in Venezuela